Simulating Data from Regression Models

April 14, 2019

This file extends the introduction I gave to simulating data from coin flips. Now, the goal is to show how the basics extend and can easily be used for helpful parts of study design planning.

Simulating More Complex Models

We can easily extend the basic concepts of simulating from a simple population to simulating data from a more complex data structure. This is how we can simulate a simple regression model with one outcome (Y) and five predictors (x1, x2, etc.).


# what we think the relationship are
hypothesized.model <- ' 
y ~ .1*x1 + .2*x2 + -.2*x3 + .5*x4
y ~~ 1*y

## Simulate 1 dataset <- simulateData(hypothesized.model, 
                         seed=2 ## Seed is for reproducing results

## Visualize scatterplot matrix

## Estimate the model we care about
fitted.model <- '
y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4
fitted.out <- sem(
## Get summary statistics of results
summary(fitted.out, rsquare=TRUE)

Simulation for Power Calculation


## Simulate 100 datasets of size 100 from the population
act.power <- sim(nRep=100,
                 n =100,
                 lavaanfun = "sem")

## Extract summary information
sim.parms<-summaryParam(act.power,alpha = 0.05,detail=TRUE)

Simulation for Sample Size Determination

Now, we want to calculate the power for a range of sample sizes. By calculating power across a range we are able to identify the sample size needed to reach power of .80 fora particular parameter of interest. Let’s try to answer this question: What is sample size I need if I want to detect the effect of x2 on y?

## Simulate data for a range of sample sizes 
# seq(100,500,10): pick samples sizes from 100 to 500 going by 10 each time, so we will have 100, 110, 120, 130, ... , 500.
# the rep(..., 100): each sample size is replicated 100 times, so we will effectively run 100 datasets with sample size 110, then 100 datasets with sample size 500, etc. 
act.n <- sim(model=fitted.model, 
             n = rep(seq(100,300,10), 100), 
             lavaanfun = "sem")
## Create a power plot 
plotPower(act.n, alpha=0.05, powerParam="y~x2")
abline(h=.8, lwd=2, lty=2)

## Rerun for more fine grained information across wider range of sample sizes
act.n <- sim(model=fitted.model, 
             n =seq(10,1000,10), 
             lavaanfun = "sem")
act.pwr.n <- getPower(act.n, alpha = 0.05)
findPower(act.pwr.n, iv="N", power=0.8)

Next is simulating data from factor models and structural equation models.