Multilevel confirmatory factory analysis (ML-CFA) is a fancy analysis. So fancy in fact, I’m still not convinced if the analysis can be used properly. My interest in ML-CFA stemmed from a study a colleague and I did as part of a meta-analysis on a cross-cultural resilience measurement scale (Renbarger et al., In Press). Our aim was to use raw data from as many studies we could obtain and investigate the multilevel structure of the measure. The key result we were interested in was whether the measurement of the construct significantly varied across groups. We hypothesized that an invariant factor existed across levels (namely, resilience in youth). We investigated what proportion of variance in resilience was between groups compared to within group. This may sound familiar to an intraclass correlation from traditional multilevel modeling, and if fact this is what we were interested in (or at the very least I was lol). Basically, the analysis boiled down to me being confused about how the actually use ML-CFA. So, here is my understanding(-ish) of a basic(-ish) multilevel factor analysis model.

The Model

The model at it’s core feels quite intuitive. The model starts with saying that the all items/indicators is a combination of individual component (\(y_{i}\) or \(y_{individual}\)) and a group average component (\(y_{g}\) or \(y_{group}\)):

\[y_{ig} = y_{i} + y_{g}\] or equivalently, \[y_{total} = y_{individual} + y_{group}\] The group component to individual items can be thought of as the average for the group. In factor analysis though, we usually have many items that are reflective of some underlying construct of interest (e.g., youth resilience, motivation, perceived degree of safety, etc.). When we have multiple items/indicators we have to replace our nice simple additive pieces into a sum of multivariate pieces (say for \(J\) items),

\[\mathbf{y}_{ig} = \mathbf{y}_{i} + \mathbf{y}_{g}\] where each is a vector of length \(J\). Part of the purpose of factor analysis is to develop a theoretical model for how each component contributes to the total observed score on each item. Hence, the connection to factor analysis. For a single item \(j\), the observed score is a partial manifestation of the underlying construct of interest. This results in a decomposition of the observed score into the individual (within group) contribution and the group effect \[\begin{align*} y_{ij} &= \tau_{ij} + \lambda_{ij}\eta_{i} + \varepsilon_{ij}\\ y_{gj} &= \tau_{gj} + \lambda_{gj}\eta_{g} + \varepsilon_{gj} \end{align*}\] where

The full model, when put all together can be expressed inthe painful(ish) form of

\[\mathbf{y}_{ig} = \boldsymbol{\tau}_{i} + \boldsymbol{\Lambda}_{i}\boldsymbol{\eta}_{i} + \boldsymbol{\tau}_g + \boldsymbol{\Lambda}_{g}\boldsymbol{\eta}_{g} + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon}_{i} + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon}_{g}\] where this model can even be parameterized in a variety of different ways as well. Maybe I will dive in to those in a future spurt of random thoughts.

Anyways, through learning about this model I have still wondered what other insights can be extracted. I still have much to learn about how these complex multilevel models can be used and in what other scenarios people find them useful. Anyone interested in these types of models may find the work of Laura Stapleton very enlightening and I highly recommend her 2016 piece on construct meaning.


  1. Renbarger, R. L., Padgett, R. N., Cowden, R. G., Govender, K., George, G., Makhnach, A.V., Novotny, J.S., Nugent, G., Rosenbaum, L., & Kremenkova, L. (In Press). Culturally relevant resilience: A psychometric meta-analysis of the Child and Youth Resilience Measure (CYRM). .

  2. Stapleton, L. M., Yang, J. S., & Hancock, G. R. (2016). Construct Meaning in Multilevel Settings. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 41(5), 481–520.