6 Regression

For the regression models, we have built up what the DAG could look like. These representations are shown below.

DAG a simple regression model with 1 predictor

Figure 6.1: DAG a simple regression model with 1 predictor

DAG for a regression with $J$ predictors

Figure 6.2: DAG for a regression with \(J\) predictors

Expanded DAG representation for regression with hyperparameters included

Figure 6.3: Expanded DAG representation for regression with hyperparameters included

Next, we gave a general representation of how the model specification diagram could be constructed.

Model specification diagram for a linear regression model

Figure 6.4: Model specification diagram for a linear regression model

6.1 Stan Model for Regression Model

model_reg <- '
data {
  int  N;
  real x1[N];
  real x2[N];
  real y[N];

parameters {
  real beta[3];
  real<lower=0> tau;

transformed parameters {
  real<lower=0> sigma;
  sigma = 1/sqrt(tau);

model {
  for(i in 1:N){
    y[i] ~ normal(beta[1] + beta[2]*x1[i] + beta[3]*x2[i], sigma);
  beta  ~ normal(0, 100);
  tau ~ gamma(1, 1);

generated quantities {
  real varerror;
  real vary;
  real Rsquared;
  real error[N];
  for(i in 1:N){
    error[i] = y[i] - (beta[1] + beta[2]*x1[i] + beta[3]*x2[i]);
  varerror = variance(error);
  vary = variance(y);
  Rsquared = 1 - (varerror/vary);

# data must be in a list
dat <- read.table("data/Chp4_Reg_Chapter_Tests.dat", header=T)
mydata <- list(
  y =dat$Ch3Test

# start values 
start_values <- function(){
  list(sigma=1, beta=c(0,0,0))

# Next, need to fit the model
#   I have explicited outlined some common parameters
fit <- stan(
  model_code = model_reg, # model code to be compiled
  data = mydata,          # my data
  init = start_values,    # starting values
  chains = 4,             # number of Markov chains
  warmup = 1000,          # number of warm up iterations per chain
  iter = 5000,            # total number of iterations per chain
  cores = 4,              # number of cores (could use one per chain)
  refresh = 0             # no progress shown

# first get a basic breakdown of the posteriors
## Inference for Stan model: anon_model.
## 4 chains, each with iter=5000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
## post-warmup draws per chain=4000, total post-warmup draws=16000.
##             mean se_mean   sd   2.5%    25%    50%    75%  97.5% n_eff Rhat
## beta[1]    -2.51    0.02 1.94  -6.29  -3.81  -2.52  -1.23   1.34  7240    1
## beta[2]     0.66    0.00 0.17   0.33   0.55   0.66   0.77   0.98  6009    1
## beta[3]     0.38    0.00 0.10   0.18   0.31   0.38   0.45   0.59  7692    1
## tau         0.28    0.00 0.06   0.18   0.24   0.28   0.32   0.40  9514    1
## sigma       1.91    0.00 0.20   1.57   1.77   1.90   2.03   2.34  9315    1
## varerror    3.65    0.00 0.16   3.51   3.55   3.60   3.71   4.08  5093    1
## vary        8.79    0.00 0.00   8.79   8.79   8.79   8.79   8.79     2    1
## Rsquared    0.58    0.00 0.02   0.54   0.58   0.59   0.60   0.60  5093    1
## error[1]   -0.26    0.02 1.41  -3.06  -1.19  -0.25   0.68   2.51  7462    1
## error[2]    1.71    0.01 0.51   0.71   1.37   1.71   2.04   2.70  7777    1
## error[3]   -1.06    0.01 0.57  -2.17  -1.44  -1.05  -0.67   0.05  7145    1
## error[4]   -3.20    0.01 0.76  -4.69  -3.71  -3.19  -2.68  -1.72  6726    1
## error[5]   -2.81    0.01 0.53  -3.86  -3.15  -2.80  -2.45  -1.77  9813    1
## error[6]    0.43    0.00 0.42  -0.41   0.16   0.43   0.71   1.27  9775    1
## error[7]   -1.95    0.00 0.40  -2.76  -2.21  -1.95  -1.69  -1.16  9278    1
## error[8]   -6.23    0.00 0.39  -7.02  -6.49  -6.22  -5.96  -5.46 10946    1
## error[9]    3.39    0.00 0.34   2.71   3.17   3.39   3.62   4.05 11804    1
## error[10]   4.01    0.00 0.32   3.38   3.80   4.01   4.22   4.62 11853    1
## error[11]  -0.75    0.00 0.36  -1.46  -0.99  -0.75  -0.51  -0.07  9716    1
## error[12]   0.48    0.01 0.49  -0.48   0.15   0.49   0.81   1.43  8412    1
## error[13]   2.48    0.01 0.49   1.52   2.15   2.49   2.81   3.43  8412    1
## error[14]  -0.74    0.01 0.70  -2.10  -1.20  -0.73  -0.28   0.63  8370    1
## error[15]   0.35    0.00 0.30  -0.24   0.15   0.35   0.56   0.94 13762    1
## error[16]   0.35    0.00 0.30  -0.24   0.15   0.35   0.56   0.94 13762    1
## error[17]   0.97    0.00 0.28   0.43   0.79   0.97   1.16   1.51 16267    1
## error[18]   1.97    0.00 0.28   1.43   1.79   1.97   2.16   2.51 16267    1
## error[19]  -0.41    0.00 0.28  -0.97  -0.60  -0.41  -0.22   0.15 15208    1
## error[20]   1.59    0.00 0.28   1.03   1.40   1.59   1.78   2.15 15208    1
## error[21]   1.21    0.00 0.33   0.57   0.99   1.21   1.43   1.84 12622    1
## error[22]   2.21    0.00 0.33   1.57   1.99   2.21   2.43   2.84 12622    1
## error[23]   0.83    0.00 0.39   0.05   0.57   0.83   1.09   1.58 10727    1
## error[24]   0.83    0.00 0.39   0.05   0.57   0.83   1.09   1.58 10727    1
## error[25]   2.99    0.01 0.89   1.25   2.40   2.99   3.58   4.72  7647    1
## error[26]  -1.40    0.01 0.79  -2.94  -1.92  -1.40  -0.87   0.15  7707    1
## error[27]  -0.92    0.00 0.44  -1.79  -1.22  -0.92  -0.62  -0.07  8831    1
## error[28]   0.08    0.00 0.44  -0.79  -0.22   0.08   0.38   0.93  8831    1
## error[29]   2.08    0.00 0.44   1.21   1.78   2.08   2.38   2.93  8831    1
## error[30]  -1.69    0.00 0.32  -2.32  -1.90  -1.68  -1.47  -1.05 12268    1
## error[31]  -0.69    0.00 0.32  -1.32  -0.90  -0.68  -0.47  -0.05 12268    1
## error[32]  -0.07    0.00 0.30  -0.65  -0.27  -0.06   0.13   0.52 14903    1
## error[33]   0.93    0.00 0.30   0.35   0.73   0.94   1.13   1.52 14903    1
## error[34]   1.93    0.00 0.30   1.35   1.73   1.94   2.13   2.52 14903    1
## error[35]  -1.45    0.00 0.31  -2.06  -1.66  -1.45  -1.24  -0.85 15317    1
## error[36]  -0.45    0.00 0.31  -1.06  -0.66  -0.45  -0.24   0.15 15317    1
## error[37]   1.55    0.00 0.31   0.94   1.34   1.55   1.76   2.15 15317    1
## error[38]   0.17    0.00 0.35  -0.52  -0.06   0.17   0.41   0.86 13697    1
## error[39]   1.17    0.00 0.35   0.48   0.94   1.17   1.41   1.86 13697    1
## error[40]  -0.21    0.00 0.42  -1.03  -0.48  -0.21   0.07   0.60 12041    1
## error[41]  -1.34    0.00 0.43  -2.19  -1.63  -1.35  -1.05  -0.49  8855    1
## error[42]   0.90    0.00 0.37   0.16   0.64   0.90   1.15   1.63 11279    1
## error[43]  -3.49    0.00 0.39  -4.24  -3.75  -3.49  -3.23  -2.74 12187    1
## error[44]  -2.49    0.00 0.39  -3.24  -2.75  -2.49  -2.23  -1.74 12187    1
## error[45]  -1.87    0.00 0.42  -2.69  -2.15  -1.87  -1.59  -1.05 12241    1
## error[46]  -0.87    0.00 0.42  -1.69  -1.15  -0.87  -0.59  -0.05 12241    1
## error[47]  -0.87    0.00 0.42  -1.69  -1.15  -0.87  -0.59  -0.05 12241    1
## error[48]   0.13    0.00 0.42  -0.69  -0.15   0.13   0.41   0.95 12241    1
## error[49]   0.13    0.00 0.42  -0.69  -0.15   0.13   0.41   0.95 12241    1
## error[50]   0.13    0.00 0.42  -0.69  -0.15   0.13   0.41   0.95 12241    1
## lp__      -59.44    0.02 1.47 -63.16 -60.15 -59.09 -58.37 -57.62  5819    1
## Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Sun Jun 19 17:31:00 2022.
## For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
## and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
## convergence, Rhat=1).
# plot the posterior in a
#  95% probability interval
#  and 80% to contrast the dispersion
## 'pars' not specified. Showing first 10 parameters by default.
## ci_level: 0.8 (80% intervals)
## outer_level: 0.95 (95% intervals)
# traceplots
rstan::traceplot(fit, pars = c("beta", "sigma"), inc_warmup = TRUE)
# Gelman-Rubin-Brooks Convergence Criterion
p1 <- ggs_grb(ggs(fit, family = "beta")) + 
   theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid = element_blank())
p2 <- ggs_grb(ggs(fit, family = "sigma")) + 
   theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid = element_blank())
p1 + p2
# autocorrelation
p1 <- ggs_autocorrelation(ggs(fit, family="beta")) + 
   theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid = element_blank())
p2 <- ggs_autocorrelation(ggs(fit, family="sigma")) + 
   theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid = element_blank())
p1 + p2
# plot the posterior density
plot.data <- as.matrix(fit)

plot_title <- ggtitle("Posterior distributions",
                      "with medians and 80% intervals")
  pars = c("beta[1]", "beta[2]", "beta[3]", "sigma"),
  prob = 0.8) + 
  pars = c("Rsquared"),
  prob = 0.8) + 
# I prefer a posterior plot that includes prior and MLE
# Expanded Posterior Plot
fit.lm <- summary(lm(Ch3Test ~ 1 + Ch1Test + Ch2Test, data=dat))
MLE <- c(fit.lm$coefficients[,1], fit.lm$sigma**2, fit.lm$r.squared)
prior_beta <- function(x){dnorm(x, 0, 1000)}
x.beta <- seq(-10, 4.99, 0.01)
prior.beta <- data.frame(beta=x.beta, dens.beta = prior_beta(x.beta))
prior_sig <- function(x){dgamma(x, 1, 1)}
x.sig <- seq(0.01, 2.5, 0.01)
prior.sig <- data.frame(sig=x.sig, dens.sig = prior_sig(x.sig))
cols <- c("Posterior"="#0072B2", "Prior"="#E69F00", "MLE"= "black")#"#56B4E9", "#E69F00" "#CC79A7"
plot.data <- as.data.frame(plot.data)
p1 <- ggplot()+
               aes(x=`beta[1]`, color="Posterior"))+
            aes(x=beta, y=dens.beta, color="Prior"))+
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=MLE[1], color="MLE"))+
  scale_color_manual(values=cols, name=NULL)+
  theme(panel.grid = element_blank())

p2 <- ggplot()+
               aes(x=`beta[2]`, color="Posterior"))+
            aes(x=beta, y=dens.beta, color="Prior"))+
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=MLE[2], color="MLE"))+
  scale_color_manual(values=cols, name=NULL)+
  lims(x=c(0, 1))+
  theme(panel.grid = element_blank())

p3 <- ggplot()+
               aes(x=`beta[3]`, color="Posterior"))+
            aes(x=beta, y=dens.beta, color="Prior"))+
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=MLE[3], color="MLE"))+
  scale_color_manual(values=cols, name=NULL)+
  lims(x=c(0, 1))+
  theme(panel.grid = element_blank())

p4 <- ggplot()+
               aes(x=sigma, color="Posterior"))+
            aes(x=sig, y=dens.sig, color="Prior"))+
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=MLE[4], color="MLE"))+
  scale_color_manual(values=cols, name=NULL)+
  theme(panel.grid = element_blank())

p5 <- ggplot()+
               aes(x=Rsquared, color="Posterior"))+
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=MLE[5], color="MLE"))+
  scale_color_manual(values=cols, name=NULL)+
  lims(x=c(0, 1))+
  theme(panel.grid = element_blank())

p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + p5 + plot_layout(guides="collect")
## Warning: Removed 307 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).
## Warning: Removed 1399 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).
## Warning: Removed 1399 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).

6.2 JAGS Model for Regression Model

# model code
jags.model <- function(){
  # Prior distributions
  beta.0 ~ dnorm(0, .001)   # prior for the intercept
  beta.1 ~ dnorm(0, .001)   # prior for coefficient 1
  beta.2 ~ dnorm(0, .001)   # prior for coefficient 2
  tau.e  ~ dgamma(1, 1)     # prior for the error precision
  sigma.e <- 1/sqrt(tau.e)  # standard deviation of the errors
  # Conditional distribution of the data
  # Via a regression model
  for(i in 1:n){
    y.prime[i] <- beta.0 + beta.1*x1[i] + beta.2*x2[i]      
    y[i] ~ dnorm(y.prime[i], tau.e)         
  # Calculate R-squared
  for(i in 1:n){
    error[i] <- y[i] - y.prime[i] 
  var.error <- sd(error[])*sd(error[])
  var.y <- sd(y[])*sd(y[])
  R.squared <- 1 - (var.error/var.y)
# data
dat <- read.table("data/Chp4_Reg_Chapter_Tests.dat", header=T)
mydata <- list(
  y =dat$Ch3Test

# starting values
start_values <- function(){
  list("tau.e"=0.01, 'beta.0'=0, "beta.1"=0, "beta.2"=0)

# vector of all parameters to save
param_save <- c("tau.e", "beta.0", "beta.1", "beta.2", "R.squared")

# fit model
fit <- jags(
  parameters.to.save = param_save,
  n.burnin = 1000,
  n.chains = 4,
  progress.bar = "none")
## Compiling model graph
##    Resolving undeclared variables
##    Allocating nodes
## Graph information:
##    Observed stochastic nodes: 50
##    Unobserved stochastic nodes: 4
##    Total graph size: 262
## Initializing model
## Inference for Bugs model at "C:/Users/noahp/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpQR8sbs/model45445b7f5ecf.txt", fit using jags,
##  4 chains, each with 4000 iterations (first 1000 discarded)
##  n.sims = 12000 iterations saved
##           mu.vect sd.vect    2.5%     25%     50%     75%   97.5%  Rhat n.eff
## R.squared   0.584   0.018   0.536   0.578   0.590   0.597   0.601 1.003 12000
## beta.0     -2.540   1.926  -6.328  -3.825  -2.548  -1.239   1.257 1.001 12000
## beta.1      0.657   0.166   0.331   0.546   0.658   0.767   0.985 1.001  8600
## beta.2      0.383   0.103   0.182   0.315   0.384   0.452   0.583 1.001  8800
## tau.e       0.282   0.057   0.182   0.242   0.278   0.318   0.403 1.001 12000
## deviance  207.594   2.940 204.053 205.535 206.932 208.959 214.755 1.001 12000
## For each parameter, n.eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
## and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor (at convergence, Rhat=1).
## DIC info (using the rule, pD = var(deviance)/2)
## pD = 4.3 and DIC = 211.9
## DIC is an estimate of expected predictive error (lower deviance is better).
# extract posteriors for all chains
jags.mcmc <- as.mcmc(fit)


# gelman-rubin-brook
# convert to single data.frame for density plot
a <- colnames(as.data.frame(jags.mcmc[[1]]))
plot.data <- data.frame(as.matrix(jags.mcmc, chains=T, iters = T))
colnames(plot.data) <- c("chain", "iter", a)

plot_title <- ggtitle("Posterior distributions",
                      "with medians and 80% intervals")
  pars = c("beta.0", "beta.1", "beta.2", "tau.e"),
  prob = 0.8) + 
  pars = c("R.squared"),
  prob = 0.8) + 
# Expanded Posterior Plot
fit.lm <- summary(lm(Ch3Test ~ 1 + Ch1Test + Ch2Test, data=dat))
MLE <- c(fit.lm$coefficients[,1], 1/fit.lm$sigma**2, fit.lm$r.squared)
prior_beta <- function(x){dnorm(x, 0, 1000)}
x.beta <- seq(-5, 4.99, 0.01)
prior.beta <- data.frame(beta=x.beta, dens.beta = prior_beta(x.beta))
prior_tau <- function(x){dgamma(x, 1, 1)}
x.tau <- seq(0.01, 0.50, 0.01)
prior.tau <- data.frame(tau=x.tau, dens.tau = prior_tau(x.tau))
cols <- c("Posterior"="#0072B2", "Prior"="#E69F00", "MLE"= "black")#"#56B4E9", "#E69F00" "#CC79A7"

p1 <- ggplot()+
               aes(x=beta.0, color="Posterior"))+
            aes(x=beta, y=dens.beta, color="Prior"))+
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=MLE[1], color="MLE"))+
  scale_color_manual(values=cols, name=NULL)+
  theme(panel.grid = element_blank())

p2 <- ggplot()+
               aes(x=beta.1, color="Posterior"))+
            aes(x=beta, y=dens.beta, color="Prior"))+
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=MLE[2], color="MLE"))+
  scale_color_manual(values=cols, name=NULL)+
  lims(x=c(0, 1))+
  theme(panel.grid = element_blank())

p3 <- ggplot()+
               aes(x=beta.2, color="Posterior"))+
            aes(x=beta, y=dens.beta, color="Prior"))+
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=MLE[3], color="MLE"))+
  scale_color_manual(values=cols, name=NULL)+
  lims(x=c(0, 1))+
  theme(panel.grid = element_blank())

p4 <- ggplot()+
               aes(x=tau.e, color="Posterior"))+
            aes(x=tau, y=dens.tau, color="Prior"))+
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=MLE[4], color="MLE"))+
  scale_color_manual(values=cols, name=NULL)+
  theme(panel.grid = element_blank())

p5 <- ggplot()+
               aes(x=R.squared, color="Posterior"))+
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=MLE[5], color="MLE"))+
  scale_color_manual(values=cols, name=NULL)+
  lims(x=c(0.5, 0.65))+
  theme(panel.grid = element_blank())

p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + p5 + plot_layout(guides="collect")
## Warning: Removed 243 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).
## Warning: Removed 899 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).
## Warning: Removed 4 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).
## Warning: Removed 899 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).
## Warning: Removed 53 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).